Excepción de falta de representación o poder bastante para suscribir títulos de crédito y el análisis de los actos que dan lugar a que se crea que un tercero está facultado para suscribir en su nombre dichos títulos.

Exception of Lack of Sufficient Representation or Power to Sign Credit Instruments and Analysis of Acts Giving Rise to the Belief that a Third Party is Authorized to Sign Such Instruments on Their Behalf.

Articles 8 to 11 of the General Law of Negotiable Instruments and Credit Transactions establish a general rule and two exceptions regarding the possibility of a third party obligating another in a negotiable manner. These rules can be summarized as follows: a) As a general rule, the representation to subscribe to titles [...]

Desafíos Legales en 2024: Un Panorama en Constante Cambio

Legal Challenges in 2024: A Landscape in Constant Change

In 2024, the legal field is facing an unprecedented range of challenges, from the implementation of emerging technologies to adapting to changing social and political dynamics. Legal professionals are addressing complex issues related to data privacy, intellectual property rights in digital environments, and the legal implications of artificial intelligence and automation.

Navegando en Aguas Turbulentas: Desafíos Legales Contemporáneos y Estrategias de Respuesta

Navigating Turbulent Waters: Contemporary Legal Challenges and Response Strategies

In the ever-changing landscape of contemporary law, we face a series of legal challenges that reflect both technological advancements and shifts in society and global politics. These challenges not only demand a deep understanding of the law but also the ability to anticipate and adapt to new legal realities.
